The Moody Artist

The Moody Artist
Fine Art Gallery, Art Therapy, Tips and Ideas

Sunday, May 2, 2010

BEGIN TO LIVE YOUR BEST LIFE: Tips, Tools & Techniques

BEGIN TO LIVE YOUR BEST LIFE: Tips, Tools & Techniques

I wish to share this with others and hope you find value in the message.

Stop doing the same thing if you want different results! If you feel stuck, you are probably procrastinating. If you are procrastinating, this is a strong indication you are about to burn out and self-sabotage. Why and how do you change this most common behavior? How do you get the ‘Juice’ back in your life?

You need interest and passion to carry you through whatever part of a project or job you are avoiding. This is a deeper issue than most people realize and is the most common problem in achieving wealth and success!

Pay attention, notice why you are avoiding ‘something’. We all have things we wish we didn’t ‘have to’ do. Some things are a necessary part of a home, job, office or life as a whole.

When possible delegate out to someone else what you dread. If you have the finances to hire someone—do it! Find someone to ‘trade’ services. No matter what, do not let the ‘thing’ suck you dry of Life’s passion! I love the ‘reward system’ if you are truly the only one available and it must be done.

If it is a small project, the reward should be ‘pleasured’ after the project is done. For bigger, tougher jobs, in order to just get started, a quick and simple treat is okay. Halfway through, a more significant reward is used. Only when the task is complete do you get the works. Save the best rewards worthy of the job for the finale!

Let’s promote good habits, pleasant and enticing rewards for finishing the job. Food, smoking, drinking or sleeping for most people would not be a positive reinforcement.

Besides the rewards, transfer your love or passion temporarily to the project. Examples of how to get started with things that generate moving your energy toward what needs to be done, or mid-way, and the grand-slam reward.

1/ 5-10 min. of physical exercise and deep breathing

2/ listen to music that ‘moves and energizes’ your body and will keep you going

3/ read a ‘short’ inspiring poem, article or micro-passage in a book you like

4/ a walk on the beach or go surfing

5/ biking your favorite route

6/ writing your first paragraph for the book that has been creating in your head

7/ painting something on your waiting white canvas

8/ getting your favorite Starbuck’s beverage

9/ go to the silver-screen for a well-deserved movie

10/ acknowledge your Self for getting it done; embrace the warrior or winner within!

Building your self-esteem is important. Smile at yourself in the mirror everyday and establish a ‘can-do’ attitude with pride in yourself. This will make it easier each time to take-on the ‘undesirable’ tasks at home or work.

Chances are someone else is affected by your stuck-ness and procrastination. Everyone will benefit. This is a way to transfer what you love and appreciate to something else temporarily to get the incentive you need.

People get into a vicious cycle of avoidance and ultimately quitting and recycling this pattern if they don’t learn to master it now. Want something different than what you have? Change your thoughts and actions today.

Phoenix Life Solutions & Strategies; written by Phoenix, a Life and Entrepreneur’s Business Coach

This is in my Facebook NOTE tab as a mini-blog. Become a Fan if you aren't already. Search Phoenix Life Solutions in Facebook.


  1. Great tips! Sometimes we end up fixated on those things we don't want to do. In reality, 'just doing it' takes way less energy than the dread!

  2. Hello Katie!

    I am so happy you came and commented! I love it, and thanks for your contribution, much appreciated. Hope to see again soon!


About Me/ Website:See Sites of Interest

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Santa Cruz County, California, United States
My name is Phoenix, since childhood I’ve been aware of my natural born intuitive abilities. My work and studies include many conventional and alternative medical and healing facilities. Some of my education, skills and experience includes Integrated Practices at Bastyr University; Clinical Hypnotherapist; Specialist of Behavioral Rehabilitation; Drug and Alcohol Abuse; Art, Sound, Breath, and Movement Therapy; Right/Left Brain Integration; Therapeutic-Reflexive Bodywork; Eclectic, advanced, powerful and effective Energywork. I’ve been a pioneer for over 40 years in bringing forward Life and Business, Entrepreneurs Coaching and have developed and owned four successful businesses. Clients gain benefits through the Sales, Marketing, and Organizing experience that I assist them with in their business. I bring fresh concepts to their visions and goals for creating their own successful business. My purpose is to share empowering practical skills for growth and the possibility of a richer, fuller and more harmonious life for you personally and professionally. Are you ready to create excellence in your life? “Love yourself into healing. Step into your passion with success.”


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